Some Academic Context


Happy New Year to you all, I hope you enjoyed the break. This post is to flag up some ideas for academic reading to help you with this project. Don’t panic about the amount of information I have included, you don’t have to read it all, just have a look for the articles that you find inspiring and go from there.

Firstly have a look at this website about the Emilia Reggio Approach. Although it is fundamentally based on early years, the child led aspect is very in keeping with what Grimm and Co are all about. If this has inspired you there are numerous journal articles about this learning approach available on the internet.

Further to this here is some information regarding learning environments and literacy development.

Learning Environments:

Literacy Development:

I would also advise you to have a look at the bibliography of these articles to identify any further reading that would help your particular interests in the project. If you need any extra help or guidance please do not hesitate to contact me and I will point you in the right direction.

And finally here is my gentle reminder to start up your own blog and send me the details!



Reminder: Preparation for Conference #2

Furthermore we will be meeting on the 13th of January for Conference No 2. Please come prepared with which part of the project you would like to have the most involvement with and any ideas about how we can make Grimm and Co Mobile!



Task: Integrating Reading

Produce at least one blog post which responds to something from the texts shared above. Refer to the previous blog post for guidance on the way you should approach your reading – and remember; we’re not interested in what the paper says, we’re interested in the way you put it to work (how does it help you think about the things you’re doing in your project)

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